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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

5 Simple Ways YOU Can Make Time to Read

For me, reading is a must. If I don't have time, I make time. It's as simple as that. As a lifelong, self-proclaimed bibliophile, I get awfully tired of hearing numerous people complain that they just don't have time for reading. If you are one of those, please take the time (if you can spare it in your hectic schedule) to read this post and hear my case.

1. Read during the time you would normally spend on facebook, pinterest, or other websites for recreation. GASP. A shocking suggestion? I know. This can be difficult even for me, but I happen to believe the benefits of reading good books far outweigh the benefits of hours a day spent on social media. Even using a fraction of your internet time for reading will benefit you.

2. Listen to audio books. Yes, I understand some may see this as cheating. But if you can't make the time to read, at least turn on a classic and let some great literature seep into your soul as you cook dinner, sweep the floor, scrub the shower, or wind down for bedtime. I see it as using spare minutes wisely, and daily chores become much more lively when you can solve a case with Sherlock Holmes or fall off a roof with Anne Shirley while grilling your supper. Several online sites offer free audiobooks. I regularly use Lit2go. Website: etc.usf.edu/lit2go/

3. Carry a book with you at all times. When you find yourself waiting at a doctor's office or riding in a car, pull out your book and "redeem your time." Use it wisely instead of squandering it. Since I learned to read at age five, I have been known as the girl who always has a book with her. Throughout my growing up years, I carried a "fun book" (meaning a non-assigned book) to school every day (and completely fell apart if I accidentally left it at home). I carried one to church (no, I did not read during the services). I carried one in my bag just to run errands around town. And I took a sizable stack on overnight trips. What has changed about this habit since I've become an adult? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I feel ridiculously panicked if I'm stuck anywhere without a book. And I'm not ashamed.

4. Keep digital books on your phone, tablet, or other devices you carry with you. In the event that you forget to bring a physical book, pull out your device and read. I upload free classics regularly on my phone and kindle. That way, even if I don't have a tangible book tucked in my purse, I need not despair. I can pull up David Copperfield and indulge in Dickens right on my little screen.

5. Just do it! Discipline yourself. Pick out a book that sounds interesting to YOU. Pick it up and start it. And you know what? If you don't like it after you've given it a fair try, it's okay to just put it down and forget about it. Don't force yourself through a book you don't like (unless it's an assignment you must complete, of course). I have read partway through many books that I decided were not worth my valuable time. I snapped them shut and never opened them again. There have also been many books I began and found uninteresting but felt that they may get better. These I have set aside and tried again at a later date, and on the second or third try, some of these got tossed and some I discovered to be wonderful once I got into them properly. So make your own judgment calls and enjoy yourself. There is nothing else in this whole vast world like becoming lost in a good book. You may quote me on that.
If you truly desire to read, I believe you will make time. I rest my case.

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