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Friday, January 16, 2015

How to Come Alive in Winter

Read mystery novels by firelight. Old, yellowed ones that have been loved much before.

Soak in brilliant beams of sunlight that emerge from shadow all too rarely in winter.

Drink hot chocolate. First slow sips, and then long, warm swallows. Stir the marshmallows until they are melt-in-your-mouth soft.

Hike in the cold. Cold, wet ice that crunches beneath boots. Breathe in the exhilarating air.

Dress in warm sweaters and cute scarves. Include bright colors with the dull, wintry ones.

Sing. Listen to crackly old records and sing out loud with classic crooners.

Notice, really notice, the snowflakes dusting your windowpane. Tiny, white miracles, thousands of them, are sticking right to your own window. All unique, all beautiful . . . just like us, these humans God made.

Whisper "I love you" and put it into action. 

Eat wisely and exercise. Just a little every day. It makes a world of difference in how you feel.

Laugh. Long and loudly. 

Try something new. Let God lead you where you've never been before. It may be a baby step. It may be a huge life change. But just do it. Try something new.

Concentrate on living in the real world. Separate social media and TV shows from reality, and use all of your wonderful senses. Use media to stay in touch with loved ones, and watch that exciting, clean show. But use moderation and remember where and when you're truly living.

Most importantly, and all the others' effectiveness depends upon this step--seek God. Talk to Him. Thank Him for the little things. Remember Him all day long. Let His love stir you to the point of tears.

I used to think January was dead. The frigid, gray days that faded so quickly into black, cloud-covered nights symbolized to me a kind of shadow. A dark shadow that must be endured before we could emerge into glorious springtime. Spring and summer breezes embrace and welcome. Wind in winter seemed bitter and angry, howling at me to go inside. It didn't want me.

But January can come alive. YOU can come alive inside. Even in January. The dull month of relentless cold and darkness.

Let God's blessings, His outpouring of love, breathe life into you. Come alive.

~Miss Emily Elizabeth


Tarissa said...

I've always loved January myself. It's always a clean slate; a fresh breath of air. I love it because I can stay indoors and read to my heart's content, including studying His Word. :)

Thanks for sharing!

Tarissa said...

Emily, I wondered if you're interested in a book reviewing program from books written by homeschooled authors? If so, you might check out this upcoming program: http://www.homeschooledauthors.com/p/blogger.html
I'm joining it myself, as it looks like there will be some excellent books available! :)