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Saturday, June 9, 2012

His Beautiful Song

Senior trip? completed! Final exams? completed! Graduation? completed! First week of summer? completed!
Time moves on. We can become easily accustomed to the day-to-day activities as if they were dull and lifeless and . . . almost rhythmic. We sigh for adventure and long to escape the mediocrity. But perhaps that rhythm with which we become so bored is part of a beautiful song. God's song for us. 

It flows with the cadence of a happy melody, sometimes accented with the beautiful harmony of people He brings into our lives. The notes drift into melancholy at times, but still HE remains, ever guiding the song.
"But when the song ends . . . What then?" we ask. That's the wonder of this musical life: for us who have been redeemed by Christ, it never ends. When we reach the end of our dwelling here on earth, there occurs a grand crescendo, and a triumphant tune ushers us into our great Musician's presence.

The series of notes in this life is different for each of us, because our Master has orchestrated a song for every person. All of these songs are written to glorify Him. Will we use them for that purpose? Will we thank Him every day for the beautiful music? Will we walk with Him and sing with Him and seek to know our Master more deeply with each passing day? Will we remember Him in the gleeful lines and cling to Him just as tightly in the lines of melancholy? Will we praise Him through it all?

Sometimes it seems as if we can almost hear the music. We can hear it in the laughter of our loved ones, in the cries of those who are hurting, in the gentle drops of rain on the window, in the flapping of our nation's flag high in the air, in the chatter of children, in the scratching of pen against paper . . . and we remember that all of this beauty is from God. All of these are gifts of His grace. Even that which seems hideous for the moment is a part of this beautiful song. We can trust Him no matter what, because He holds the sheet of music, that glorious music that has been crafted by HIS hand.
"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye Heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen."


Jessica said...

hmm, God give me a heart to praise Him through it all. Although He will be glorified whether or not I embrace it, I will be far more blessed when I do with joy and peace.

I trust you had a nice graduation and celebration? You got some neat pictures. :)

Emily said...

Yes, exactly :) HE will be glorified no matter what! We must choose to allow Him to use our lives to glorify Him in the way He intended! It was a nice graduation :) But I missed you! Thank you, one of our teachers took these :)

Tarissa said...

Congratulations on your graduation, Emily!

Emily said...

Thank you, Tarissa! :)