An endless supply of ice-cold pink lemonade...Every sip must be savored appropriately.
Late-night episodes of Bonanza with Daddy...Oh, for the days of the Cartwrights!
The blessing of helping with two Vacation Bible schools...the excited children with kool-aid-stained faces and endless energy:)
Breathtaking blue-sky days that leave you no choice but to take a long walk outside.
Click to listen to Frank Sinatra singing "Blue Skies"
Sweeping the porch with McKenzie on a hot afternoon...She swept behind me with a little feather duster:)
Watching the Kit movie with Grandma and Paw Paw...and bowls brimming with popcorn. Click to watch Kit: An American Girl trailer
Losing yourself in a new adventure...Kingdom's Dawn (Chuck Black), The Hobbit (J. R. R. Tolkien), The Rim of the Prairie (Bess Streeter Aldrich)
Accepting new challenges in your Christian walk from Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis), The Disciplined Life (Richard S. Taylor), What He Must Be If He Wants to Marry My Daughter (Voddie Baucham), The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God (D. A. Carson)
Playing new songs on the piano while the sunlight streams in through the window...selections from Pride and Prejudice, Josh Groban, The Sound of Music
Relaxing with episode after heart-warming episode of Father Knows Best.
These are the unrivaled charms that summertime holds. Perhaps the secret enchantment is not so much in summertime itself, but in the eyes of those who have learned how to recognize it. What do you think? :)
Beautiful post, girly!! <3
I really like the vivid imagery used to describe summer, all of these things are items which I think of in the summer time! Of course I wouldn't be watching or reading American Girl, but the rest of it sounds just like what I envision in the warm summer months.
Thank you, anna olivia:) I loved your post about The High Kings! I'm jealous you got to go to an Irish festival and see our lads again:)
Thank you, Tyler! Haha You mean, you don't watch American Girl movies?! Lol:)
It is wonderfull when we slow down enough to savor the beauty of the moments that God gives us. Thanks for reminding us of it Emily. :)
You're very welcome, Jessica! God reminded me to remind others:) I miss you so much!
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