1. Never spend more time in front of the mirror than I spend talking to God each day.
2. Praise Him on my bad days, as well as my good ones.
3. Compose an original work each month, be it a poem, a short story, a character sketch, etc.
4. Write every day, even if it is only one word.
5. Imagine one impossible thing every day. (inspired by Alice in Wonderland, in which Alice's father claims that he sometimes thinks of six impossible things before breakfast)
7. Practice the piano for at least two hours each week.
8. Learn at least one new piano piece each month.
9. Speak only of uplifting, edifying things on the Lord's day, not worrying about any troubles for that sacred day of the week.
10. Refrain from gossip; refrain from idle chatter that could be harmful.
11. Eat healthful foods.
12. Go to bed at a decent hour on week-nights! (I've tried this many times before and failed miserably each year, but I hope this year will be different. I enjoy going to bed late and sleeping in late; unfortunately, this schedule does not comply with school and will not be a healthy habit later in life, either.)
13. Read one classic book a month, in addition to the many miscellaneous books I enjoy.
14. Thank God for my blessings every day.
15. Write in my journal and prayer journal faithfully. Blog faithfully. Write in my journal of letters to my future husband frequently.
16. Learn and practice new skills that will be beneficial to me in the years to come.
17. When I am inspired by an idea for a story or poem, write it down as soon as possible, so that I will not forget it.
18. Laugh every day. ("The most wasted of all days is a day without laughter." ~E. E. Cummings)
19. Take time to relax or do something I enjoy each day. (Reading by the light of a candle, listening to soft music or to a favorite song, taking a walk in the rain, playing the piano, taking a nap, eating a favorite snack, watching a favorite movie or vintage show, etc.)
20. Remember every day that my Savior is with me. Sometimes that comforts me, and sometimes it challenges me.
21. Keep my priorities straight.
22. Dream about and plan for the future, but strive also to be always content in the present.
I may eventually add more to this list, and I may not. Who knows? But there is one thing I do know with certainty, and am deeply grateful for it: My Redeemer is strong, constant, merciful, loving, and always in control. He will be with me throughout this year. He can work great things in me, if I will only allow Him. He already knows what 2011 holds for me and for you. My fervent prayer is this: In this year, Father, and in my life, be glorified!
Wow, what a list! Maybe I ought to simply adopt a portion of yours instead of worrying about writing my ow! I'll have to go get Mom to come see it. *_*
:D I have high aspirations--now let's see how faithful I am to my list! lol
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